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It has been a little over a year and a half since we started GeriPal.  In that time our little community has expanded quite dramatically.  Just in the last year we have had close to 100,000 views of our website with nearly the same number of views through our feed service.   Who would have thought that there were that many people interested in geriatrics and palliative care???

With all that wear and tear, GeriPal looked like it needed a little freshening up.  So, over the last several weeks we have rolled out a new logo, a new website design, updated our facebook page, and tweaked our twitter page.  I encourage everyone to check out these new redesigned sites:

Don’t forget when you are on these sites to either friend us, like us, or follow us.  Also, please give us feedback on the changes.  Did we forget something that you think we should add?  Are you having problems loading the site on your computer?  Are you getting our emails ok?

Lastly, here is a recap of the top 10 posts of 2010 in no particular order:

Thanks for a great year and here is to more great things in 2011!

by: Eric Widera (twitter – @ewidera)

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